XED launches a Post-Graduate Program in Innovation Leadership for Senior Leaders Across the Globe


        In collaboration with Ivy League, Brown University’s School of Professional Studies

The post-graduate program in Innovation Leadership is a seven-month program for senior leaders and CXOs to help them understand disruption, innovation and continuous digital transformation from a global perspective.

XED, Asia’s edtech firm that caters to the learning needs of executives and senior leaders, is pleased to announce the launch of its first 'post-graduate program in Innovation Leadership’ facilitated by      Brown University’s School of Professional Studies, for senior leaders and experienced professionals.

The program, a collaboration between XED and Brown University’s School of Professional Studies, will offer innovative leaders the playbook and toolkit needed to survive and thrive in today’s disruptive business climate. Participants will learn from globally renowned faculty in innovation and entrepreneurship from Brown University, a founding member of the Ivy League.

Established in 1764, Brown University is the seventh-oldest research institution of higher education in the United States. It is part of the respected eight Ivy League colleges. Brown is a leading research university home to world-renowned faculty and an institution where rigorous scholarship, complex problem-solving and service to the public good are defined by intense collaboration, intellectual discovery and working in ways that transcend traditional boundaries.    

This program is offered through the Brown School of Professional Studies. As one of six prestigious schools and colleges at Brown University, the School of Professional Studies offers a portfolio of transformative programs for global leaders seeking advanced education, leadership training and skill development.

“Organizations are part of a thrilling race against disruption today. To accelerate the pace of innovation and stay ahead of their competition, leaders must develop key skills and capabilities to unlock their innovation potential. Almost every organization talks about innovation today but very few understand what it is and how to build an innovation mindset. We are delighted to partner with Brown University’s School of Professional Studies and make this exclusive program available to some of the best leadership talent globally,” said John Kallelil, Founder and CEO, XED.

The post-graduate program in Innovation Leadership is a seven-month, 100% online program, consisting of sixteen live-synchronous sessions. Upon successful completion, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion from Brown University’s School of Professional Studies.

“We are truly excited to launch the post-graduate program in Innovation Leadership, in collaboration with XED. The program has high relevance across sectors and offers deep insights and acumen required to lead with innovation in today’s disruptive climate,” said Sandra Smith, Associate Dean of Executive Education, Brown University School of Professional Studies.

“I’ve experienced the endless excitement of being immersed in the world of disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship throughout my entire career, as a serial startup co-founder, McKinsey consultant, corporate C-suite executive and professor. Moreover, I’ve lived and worked in the leading innovation ecosystems of Silicon Valley, Boston/Cambridge, NYC, Austin, Toronto, London, and Tel Aviv & have worked on projects from Bangalore to Brisbane to Barcelona to Baku. I’m thrilled to take on the role of Faculty Director for this highly practical executive-level program,” said Mike Grandinetti.

The post-graduate program in Innovation Leadership is slated to launch on 11 March 2023. For more information, including admissions eligibility, please visit our website.

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