Indian and Danish Silver together for the first time in India
The special exhibition titled ‘Silver treasures from India and Denmark’ was inaugurated today i.e. on 27th February 2023, at the National Museum, New Delhi celebrating the rich silver legacy from India and Denmark.The exhibition was inaugurated by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Denmark and Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Denmark, in the presence of Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture, Smt. Meenakashi Lekhi, Foreign Minister of Denmark His Excellency Lars Lokke Rasmusen and Director General National Museum & Joint Secretary, Culture Smt. Lily Pandeya.
While delivering a special message, Smt. Meenakashi Lekhi emphasised upon Indo-Danish friendship-“So far as the two countries are concerned, when one lloos at Denmark, one looks at a friend. I am sure the feeling exists in Danish minds and hearts that when you look at India, you look at a friend. And the two friendly nations which are bound by many ethos, many value systems, one of them being democracy, value for law and order as well as law abiding citizens, I think this goes a long way in having the common cultural heritage. Culture connects, culture is a very positive force because when you try and understand each other, even when one comes with certain hesitations, but those hesitations disappear and they melt away the moment you start to know the other person’s perspective on the same thing. And the understanding of the perspective gives us a new perspective, and the new amalgamation of ideas is usually positive. So winning hearts and not really winning lands is the pursuit which we all must have and with this winning of hearts we are exhibiting the silver treasures today”